
You can see my background, articles, and projects relating to Analytics below!

A link to a series of blog posts from a personal pet project of mine to forecast the daily Bitcoin price (USD) each month.

Cleaning and Working with DataFrames in Python

My course is available to watch on Pluralsight!

SSH is an important, yet commonly ignored, skill for Data Scientists. Most programs/courses won't touch on the topic, so here's a brief article to give you some foundational SSH skills.

The Tidyverse is a modern approach to R that narrows the number of packages that new users need to know to just eight powerful and cohesive packages. If you are new to R, there is no better place to start learning than the Tidyverse.

Streamlit is a popular and powerful Python framework for creating dashboards and data-enabled web apps. I participated in a hackathon back in April 2023 and demonstrated my project A dynamic dashboard for visualizing a user's Skill IQ data. This demonstration showcased my own learning journey as I used Skill IQ to track my proficiency in AWS tooling.

I delivered a comprehensive presentation on forecasting and time series analysis, specifically using the R programming language. The focal point of the presentation was on the BSTS package, an open-source offering from Google, which facilitates the modeling of time series data using Bayesian statistics and MCMC simulations.

I spoke at the Big Mountain Data & Dev conference over the weekend on "Harmful Data Analysis Habits and How to Avoid Them". We covered CRISP-DM, a standard approach that can be taken in any data analysis, along with the importance of reproducible analysis, version control, and peer review. 

This study examines the difference in earnings between college graduates who select to double-major for their bachelor’s degree versus those who select to only single-major. 

One of my senior projects from my undergrad was an exploratory data analysis of a local company's data using R, Tableau, and Excel. Essentially, this analysis answered the question “Where does the company’s business come from?” with one of the artifacts from the analysis being a simple, interactive Tableau dashboard.

During my last semester in college, I was brushing up on many topics that I had studied throughout my education. One of those topics was SQL. I had taken a class and a few online courses on SQL and Database Design & Management before, but I was hoping to improve my skills before I graduated and entered a career in Data. There was one problem, though: I didn't have a working environment to practice my SQL.

Stack Overflow is the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share​ ​their programming ​knowledge, and build their careers. You can find my user profile here. I'm not currently active there, but plan to answer data analysis question more frequently in the future.

I have a Bachelors degree in Economics, with a minor in Marketing and an emphasis in Business Analytics, from Southern Utah University.  I was the first student to graduate with the Business Analytics certificate from the school.